Monday, September 24, 2007

Michael Haneke, Minister of Fear (NYT Magazine)

There is a pretty informative article on Michael Haneke in today's NYT Magazine written on the occasion of an American, Hollywood remake of Haneke's Funny Games (remade by Haneke himself, with Naomi Watts):

read it!

Some things I found interesting about Haneke as described in this article are 1) his awareness of, and implication of the audience (by not always comfortable methods) and 2) his films' philosophical/political critique of both fascism (including Hollywood's unexamined ideological storytelling) and the comfortable, bourgeois/left, Western citizen (circle back to point #1 here).

In terms of nonlinear storytelling, I found his film Code Unknown (Code Inconnu) to be an engaging example.

1 comment:

metamatic said...

More on Haneke in the November issue of Harpers.