Some interest was expressed in knowing which readings I trimmed from the reading list since I taught
Nonlinear Storytelling last year.
A few of these eliminated texts were replaced by others, i.e. the Manovich database reading replaced the another of his "Spatial Computerization and Film Language," and the Aarseth essay "Nonlinearity and Literary Theory" replaced "Hypertext Aesthetics, No Sense of an Ending." “Transmedia Storytelling 101,” and “Searching for the Origami Unicorn: The Matrix and Transmedia Storytelling,” by Henry Jenkins replaced some essays from his blog.
These readings were added: “The New Disorder: Adventures in Film Narrative,” David Denby, Selections from “Six Selections by the Oulipo,” “A File Structure for the Complex, the Changing, and the Indeterminate,” Ted Nelson, from
Theater of the Oppressed, Augusto Boal and “The Lessons of Lucasfilm’s Habitat,” Chip Morningstar and F. Randall Farmer.
Here's the list of what was omitted:
“Intertextuality: An Interview with Julia Kristeva”
“A Holiday From History,” Slavoj Zizek,
Dial History“The Media in the Garden” and “Postmodernism Is (What Postmodernism Is)” (Parts II and III of “Chapter 1: Three Discourses on the Age of Television”),
The Anxiety of Obscolescence: The Novel in the Age of Television, Kathleen Fitzpatrick
“No Sense of an Ending: Hypertext Aesthetics,”
Cybertext, Espen Aarseth
"Writing, Identity, and Copyright in the Net Age," Kathy Acker
“Spatial Computerization and Film Language,” Lev Manovich, from
New Screen Media: Cinema/Art/Narrative
Broken Screen: Conversations with Alejandro Jodorowski, Stan Douglas, Claire Denis, Bruce Connor, Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Pierre Huyghe, Mike Figgis, Matthew Barney
“Battle of the Images,” Raymond Bellour,
Future Cinema“Interactive Storytelling: The Renaissance of Narration,” Eku Wand,
New Screen Media: Cinema/Art/NarrativeAbout: “Jennifer and Kevin McCoy:
Horror Chase,” Timothy Druckrey,
Future CinemaAbout: “Eija-Liisa Ahtila: Consolation Service,” “Pierre Huyghe:
The Third Memory,” Pierre Huyghe, “Isaac Julien: The Long Road to Mazatlan”,
Future Cinema“The Future of the Cinematic City,” Norman Klein,
Future Cinema“Bleeding Through: Layers of Los Angeles, 1920-1986,”
Future Cinema“The Cybermohalla Diaries” from
Sarai Reader 2002: The Cities of Everyday Life“Interactive or Inhabited TV, Broadcasting for the 21st Century,” Alex Butterworth, John Wyre,
New Screen Media: Cinema/Art/Narrative“Grand Theft Education, Literacy in the Age of Video Games,” Jane Avrich, Steven Johnson, Raph Koster, Thomas de Sengotita, Bill Wasic,
Harpers Magazine, September 2006
“Ruling the Reader: The Politics of ‘Interaction’, ” Espen Aarseth,
CybertextSelections from
First Person: New Media as Story, Performance, Game, Ed. Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Pat Harrigan
Selections (tba) from
grandtextauto“Intrigue and Discourse in the Adventure Game,” Espen Aarseth, Cybertext
“Unit 1 Core Concepts: Interactivity,” Rules of Play, Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman